English to Urdu Vocabulary

50 Most Commonly Used English Words with Urdu Meanings

50 Most Commonly Used English Words with Urdu Meanings learn daily used important English vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings also watch video lesson for improving your English vocabulary skills. These words are very important in daily life use and are very important for improving English vocabulary and English speaking.

50 Most Commonly Used English Words with Urdu Meanings for beginner English learners. These Basic English words are important for the students who have just started learning English. Learn daily used important English vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings also watch video lesson for improving your English vocabulary skills. These words are very important in daily life use and are very important for improving English vocabulary and English speaking.

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We have been teaching English as a second language for years and we have found that these words are most frequently by Pakistani learners. Upon researching these words with their meanings we have compiled a list of words with Urdu meanings and the list is also provided in PDF for the ease of learners to revise the words and use them in their English speaking.

50 Most Commonly Used English Words

Take ablution وضو کرنا
Belch ڈکار لینا
Beseech منت کرنا
Count beads تسبیح کرنا
Cram رٹا لگانا
Make angry غصہ دلانا
Disloyal بےوفا
Brazen faced بے غیرت
Backbiter چغل خور
Hypocrite منافق
Dangler بھونڈر
Molasses گڑ
Meat pie شامی کباب
Flip flop چپل/سلیپر
Skillful سگھڑ
Intermix آپس میں ملانا
Misconception غلط فہمی
Lumpish پینڈو
Whey لسی
Issueless بےاولاد
Pampered لاڈلا
Henpecked رن مرید
Immodest بے حیاء
Paramour عاشق
Fritters پکوڑے
Decent مہزب
Favor بھلائی کرنا
Good-humored  خوش مزاجی
Vivacity زندہ دلی
Mate ساتھی
Beard داڑھی
Forbidden حرام
Lick چاٹنا
Silly بے وقوف
Dumb کم عقل
Timid بزدل
Shy شرمیلا
Sociable ملنسار
Mean بیہودہ-کمینہ
Meticulous باریک بین
Indolent کام چور
Sluggish کاہل -سست
Bright ذہین
Hike اضافہ-اوپر جانا
Appetizer بھوک آور
Funeral جنازہ
Armpit بغل
Perspiration پسینہ
Yawn جمائی لینا
Bachelor کنوارا

50 Most Commonly Used English Words with Urdu Meanings


 English to Urdu Vocabulary


Vocabulary words in Urdu

50 Most Commonly Used English Words with Urdu Meanings


Advanced English Vocabulary in Urdu

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