Correct Pronunciation helps speak better and flawless English. We have a list of 20 most commonly mispronounced words in Pakistan particularly. The point is these are the words that are so frequently mispronounced that if you correct somebody, they say “You are wrong, we have been pronouncing these words for years.” So dear learners, let’s find out what are those wrongly pronounced words.
Commonly Mispronounced Words with Urdu Written Pronunciation
Word | ☓ | ✓ |
Flour | فلور | فلاور |
Women | وومین | وی مَن |
Receipt | رِسیپٹ | رِسِیٹ |
Jewelry | جِیُولری | جُولرِی |
Asthma | ازدما | ازما |
Comment | کمنٹ | کا منٹ |
Library | لائبریری | لائبرری |
Analysis | اینا لائسز | اَنالِسز |
Oven | اووَن | اَوّن |
Onion | اوونی ان | ان یَن |
Almond | آل منڈ | آمنڈ |
Potato | پوٹے ٹو | پٹی ٹو |
Hotel | ہوٹَل | ہوٹَیل |
Breakfast | بریک فاسٹ | بریک فسٹ |
Vegetable | ویجی ٹیبل | ویج ٹبل |
Wednesday | ویڈ نیسڈے | وینسڈے |
Continuous | کنٹی نیُوس | کنٹی نُوَس |
Engineer | اِنجی نی ار | اینج نی اَر |
Pizza | پیزا | پیت زا |
Cache | کیشے | کیش |
Commonly Mispronounced Words
Florr ☓ | ٖFlower ✓ |
Woman ☓ | We-muhn ✓ |
Reseept ☓ | Reseet ✓ |
jew-lary ☓ | Joolry ✓ |
As-tha-ma ☓ | Az-ma ✓ |
Kment ☓ | Kaa-ment ✓ |
Lib-rary ☓ | Libruhri ✓ |
Ana-lie-sis ☓ | Ana-lisiz ✓ |
Ovven ☓ | Uh-wn ✓ |
On-yun ☓ | Un-yun ✓ |
All-mond ☓ | Ah-mond ✓ |
Po-teh-to ☓ | Puh–tei-to ✓ |
Hotal ☓ | Ho-tell ✓ |
Break-fast ☓ | Brek-fuhst ✓ |
Vegi-table ☓ | Vej-tuh-bL ✓ |
Wed-nes-day ☓ | Wenz-dei ✓ |
Conti-newss ☓ | Continu-us ✓ |
Engeeniar ☓ | En-juh-neer ✓ |
Piz–za ☓ | Peet-suh ✓ |
Cachey ☓ | Cash ✓ |