Household Chores Vocabulary List in English with Urdu download PDF Book learn useful daily household verbs and chores with example sentence and meanings with Urdu / Hindi.
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Wash dishes – برتن دھونا
Ambreen washes dishes twice a day.
Fold – تہہ کرنا
Will you help me fold up the clothes?
Iron – استری کرنا
I can’t be bothered to iron my clothes.
Hang – لٹکانا
Please help me to hang this picture.
Dry – خشک کرنا
Ali dried his face with a towel.
Make (the bed) – بستر لگانا
Make the bed properly before sleeping.
Change (the sheets) – (چادریں (تبدیل کرنا
We should change the sheets once a week.
Vacuum – مٹی صاف کرنا
Ahmad was vacuuming the carpet.
Take out (the rubbish/ garbage) – (باہر نکالنا (کوڑا کرکٹ / کچرا
It’s your turn to take out the rubbish/ garbage.
Wipe off (the table) – (صاف کرنا (میز
Would you wipe off the table for me?
Scrub – رگڑ کر صاف کرنا
She scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush.
Repair – مرمت کرنا
I got my son to repair our TV.
Tighten – سخت کرنا
Can you tighten up the bolts for me?
Nail – کیل گاڑنا
Will you nail down that loose board in the floor?
Drill – سوراخ کرنا
Drill a series of holes in the frame.
Mopping – پوچھا لگانا
Sohaima was mopping the kitchen floor.
Table of Contents
House Chores List
Wash the dishes | برتن دھونا |
Dry (the dishes) | برتن خشک کرنا |
To do laundry | کپڑے دھونا |
To dry clothes | کپڑے سکھانا |
To hang clothes | کپڑے لٹکانا |
To iron clothes | کپڑے استری کرنا |
To fold clothes | کپڑے تہہ کرنا |
Make (the bed) | بستر لگانا |
Change (the sheets) | چادریں (تبدیل کرنا) |
To vacuum | مٹی صاف کرنا |
Wipe off (the table) | صاف کرنا (میز) |
Clear (the table) | سمیٹنا (میز) |
Clean (the stove) | چولہے کو صاف کرنا |
To clean house | گھر صاف کرنا |
To sweep house | گھر میں جھاڑو دینا |
Mopping | پوچا لگانا |
To mop floor | پوچا مارنا |
To clean windows | کھڑکیاں صاف کرنا |
To dust the furniture | فرنیچر کو صاف کرنا |
To prepare meals | کھانا تیار کرنا |
Make breakfast | ناشتہ بنانا |
Make lunch | دوپہرکا کھانا بنانا |
Make dinner | رات کا کھانا بنانا |
To beat the rug | چٹائی سے گرد نکالنا |
To clean bathroom | واش روم صاف کرنا |
To water plants | پودوں کو پانی دینا |
To weed the garden | گھاس پھوس صاف کرنا |
Rake the leaves | پتے اکٹھے کرنا |
Take out the garbage/rubbish | کُوڑا باہر پھینکنا |
Scrub | رگڑ کر صاف کرنا |
Repair | مرمت کرنا |
Tighten | سخت کرنا |
Nail | کیل گاڑنا |
Drill | سوراخ کرنا |