English to Urdu Vocabulary

Vegetables Names in English with Urdu Meanings

Vegetable Names in Urdu with Pictures | Vegetable Vocabulary

Vegetables Names in English with Urdu Meanings. Learn common Vegetable Vocabulary words with their Urdu meanings these words are very important as vegetable are used all over the world so learning their names is must for every English learner for improving our English vocabulary skills either you are a basic English learner or advance.

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Vegetable Names in English

Lady finger/Okra – بھنڈی

Onion – پیاز

Potato – آلو

Zucchini – توری

Luffa – گھیا توری

Bitter Gourd – کریلا

Ginger – ادرک

Garlic – لہسن

Carrot – گاجر

Radish – مولی

Spinach – پالک

Tomato – ٹماٹر

Cucumber – کھیرا

Corn – مکئی

Chili – مرچ

Capsicum – شملہ مرچ

Sweet potato – شکر کندی

Peas – مٹر

Green bean – لوبیا

Mint – پودینا

Brinjal – بینگن

Vegetables Names in English

Vegetables Names in English

Eggplant – بینگن

Turnip – شلجم

Coriander – دھنیا

Beetroot – چکندر

Cabbage – بند گوبھی

Cauliflower – پھول گوبھی

Broccoli – شاخ گوبھی

Mushroom – کھمبی

Lettuce – سلاد پتا

Yam – کچالو

Arum – اروی

Gourd -حلوه کدّو

Apple Gourd – ٹنڈے

Bottle Gourd – لوکی

Pumpkin -پیٹھا کدو

Greens – ساگ

Lemon – لیموں

Olive – زیتون


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