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English to Urdu Vocabulary PDF BOOK | 1500+ Words

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Rebuff (جھڑک دینا ۔ ٹھکرا دینا)

to snub, reject, or refuse

Unfortunately I have to rebuff your expensive gift because we hardly know each other.


Detriment (نقصان)

Something that causes damage, harm or loss

Smoking is a detriment to good health.


Affront (توہین)

To insult intentionally, especially openly

By not bowing to the queen, you have shown an affront to the entire royal family.


Ambiguity (ابہام)

something of doubtful meaning

The ambiguity begins to disappear as more explanations are made.


Laggard (سست)

Someone who takes more time than necessary

Because Jenna is always the last one to arrive on our outings, she is considered the laggard of our group


Outrage (غم و غصہ)

to produce anger or resentment in

Many people expressed outrage at the court’s decision.


Skeptical (شبہ)

not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations

I was skeptical when the doctor suggested I try massage for my headaches, but it really helped.


Onus (ذمہ داری)

a difficult or disagreeable responsibility or necessity

Being a leader is difficult because in this position one must bear the onus of making decisions for a group of people.


Prudent (محتاط – ہوشیار)

careful or wise in handling practical matters

As parents, we must teach our children to make prudent choices about their futures.


Tentative (عارضی)

unsure; not definite or positive; hesitant

Due to the storm, the plane’s arrival time is tentative.


Imbecile (کم ذہن انسان)

a person lacking intelligence or common sense

When Alan gets drunk, he starts to act like an imbecile.


Admonish (نصیحت – تاکید کرنا)

to reprove or scold,  especially in a mild and  good-willed manner

Stewart is going to admonish the restaurant for poor customer service.


Derogatory (توہین آمیز)

conveying a poor opinion of something or someone

When talking about his rival, the politician made a derogatory statement that became a trending topic on Twitter


Sentinel (محافظ)

one whose job is to keep watch and protect

The armed sentinel stood outside of the meeting room to make sure no one interrupted the two world leaders.


Elusive (مشکل)

difficult to find, catch, or achieve

Since I am not very good at math, earning an “A” in geometry is an elusive goal for me.


Ineptitude (ناقابلیت)

the quality of being unfit or inept

Since the doctor’s ineptitude led to my husband’s death, I filed a lawsuit against him


Ravishing (دلکش)

extremely beautiful

When the ravishing woman entered the room, all eyes were drawn to her beauty.


Ruthless (بے رحم – سنگدل)

feeling or showing no  mercy; hardhearted

The dictator is ruthless and will kill anyone who challenges his authority.


Turmoil (بحران)

a state of confusion or disorder

The turmoil in the stock market is causing investors to rethink their buying and selling decisions.


Pivotal (اہم)

of crucial significance

In this day and age, social media marketing is pivotal to a company’s success.


Arrogant (مغرور)

one who rudely acts as though he is better than other people

The young professor thought he knew everything and was too arrogant to listen to his mentor’s advice.


Elation (خوشی کا احساس)

a feeling of joy and pride

After graduation, there was a feeling of elation amongst all the graduates.


Defer (ملتوی)

to postpone until later

The doctor has decided to defer the surgery until my health improves.


Lucrative (منافع بخش)

producing wealth; profitable

Mr. Chen makes a lucrative income by selling fresh tuna at the market.


Adolescence (نوجوانی)

the time period when a young person becomes a grownup

Perhaps my worse challenge during adolescence was the acne that covered my face.


Lynch (مارپیٹ)

To punish (a person) without legal process or authority

The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child.


Lethal (جان لیوا – مہلک)

Causing or capable of  causing death

Because the medicine had a lethal side effect, I needed to take it under a doctor’s supervision.


Remorse (پچھتاوا)

guilt or regret for a misdeed

Bill felt remorse when he crashed his friend’s car.


Yell (چلانا ،چیخنا)

To cry out loudly, as in pain, fright, surprise, or enthusiasm.

There are going to be people who violate traffic rules and yell at you instead.


Enviable (قابل رشک)

worthy of envy; very  desirable

Most of the real estate agents are jealous of Peter’s enviable sales record.


Dunce (احمق)

A stupid person; a dolt

He was an absolute dunce at school.


Deliberately (جان بوجھ کر)


I’m sure he says these things deliberately to annoy me.


Profligate (فضول خرچی – بدکار)

wildly extravagant or wasteful; a dissolute man in  fashionable society

Tim made a lot of profligate purchases after winning the lottery.


Footling (تھوڑامعمولی)

Lacking importance or  significance

His footling gestures were insufficient to win back my favor.


Strut (اکڑکر چلنا)

to walk in a pompous  manner; swagger

She told him not to strut around because it made him look silly


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