English Grammar

Use of was were with Urdu Translation – 50 Sentences

Use of was were with Urdu Translation - 50 Sentences of daily used for spoken English for beginners Download PDF free, Basic English lessons in Urdu, Spoken English lessons with Urdu meanings, English lessons for beginners in Urdu, English for basic level in Urdu, English Sentences in Urdu

Use of was were with Urdu Translation – 50 Sentences of daily used for spoken English for beginners Download PDF free, Basic English lessons in Urdu, Spoken English lessons with Urdu meanings, English lessons for beginners in Urdu, English for basic level in Urdu.

Use of was were with Urdu Translation - 50 Sentences of daily used for spoken English for beginners Download PDF free, Basic English lessons in Urdu, Spoken English lessons with Urdu meanings, English lessons for beginners in Urdu, English for basic level in Urdu.

Use of was were:

یہ امدادی افعال ہیں اور ان کا تعلق گزرے ہوئےزمانے سے ہے۔


1st Person
I was
2nd Person
You were
3rd Person
He, She,
1st Person
We were
2nd Person
You were
3rd Person
They were
Singular noun single name was
He was a clever boy.

وہ ایک ہوشیار لڑکا تھا۔

He was not a clever boy.

وہ ایک ہوشیار لڑکا نہیں تھا۔

Zahid was a young boy.

زاہد ایک نوجوان لڑکا نہیں تھا۔

Was he a clever boy?

کیا وہ ایک ہوشیار لڑکا تھا؟

Was he not a clever boy?

کیا وہ ایک ہوشیار لڑکا نہیں تھا؟

They were slaves.

وہ غلام تھے۔

They were not slaves.

وہ غلام نہیں تھے۔

Were they slaves?

کیا وہ غلام تھے؟

Were they not slaves?

کیا وہ غلام نہیں تھے؟

There were some birds.

وہاں کچھ پرندے تھے۔

Sajid was a Computer operator.

ساجد کمپیوٹر آپریٹر تھا۔

I was confused.

میں الجھن میں تھا۔

She was confused.

وہ الجھن میں تھی۔

You were confused.

تم الجھن میں تھے۔

We were confused.

ہم الجھن میں تھے۔

They were confused.

وہ الجھن میں تھے۔

I was out of groceries.

میرے پاس اشیائے خوردونوش نہیں تھیں۔

She was out of groceries.

اس کے پاس اشیائے خوردونوش نہیں تھیں

You were out of groceries.

تمہارے پاس پاس اشیائے خوردونوش نہیں تھیں

We were out of groceries.

ہمارے پاس پاس اشیائے خوردونوش نہیں تھیں

They were out of groceries.

ان کے پاس اشیائے خوردونوش نہیں تھیں

Was he mad?

کیا وہ پاگل تھا؟

Were You mad?

کیا تم پاگل ہو؟

Were they mad?

کیا وہ پاگل تھے؟

Was she mad?

کیا وہ پاگل تھی؟

Was I mad?

کیا میں پاگل تھا؟

Were we mad?

کیا ہم پاگل تھے؟

I wasn’t in a hurry.

میں جلدی میں نہیں تھا۔

He wasn’t in a hurry.

وہ جالدی میں نہیں تھا۔

Nazia wasn’t in a hurry.

نازیہ جلدی میں نہیں تھی۔

They weren’t in a hurry.

وہ جلدی میں نہیں تھے۔

You weren’t in a hurry.

تم جلدی میں نہیں تھے۔

We weren’t in a hurry.

ہم جلدی میں نہیں تھے۔

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